You’ll never, never know if you never, never go!!
No this is not about visiting the Northern Territory, this is about meeting new people, new cars and generally enjoying yourself and learning more and more about your beloved Cadillac(s)…
Sunday 11th October in Sydney was the perfect day to take our Cadillac for a run. Look at the calendar and guess what, there is an organised run by our Cadillac Club to Bobbin Head. (It pays to write the Cadillac events on the calendar as soon as the notice arrives, then you can’t forget.)
Bring out the 59 coupe, and let’s go. Of course on the way you achieve the satisfaction of bringing so many smiles, oohs and aahs, from fellow motorists and even have pleasure in saying NO to a Saab convertible owner who asks the inevitable question: DO YOU WANT TO SWAP? We arrive at Bobbin Head and as we approach, there parked next to the river a mass of fins and chrome, and gatherings of members swapping ideas and stories, we knew it was worth getting out of bed, washing the car and making an effort to support our club.
A bit like kids in a toy shop we flit from car to car and meet new members, and new cars, like Paul Beale and Karen, very proudly showing us their new car, a 64 Convertible looking great in BLACK. What a lovely couple, and by time this goes to print they would have had another addition as Karen is very, very pregnant. How do you fit a baby capsule in a 64 convertible? We are sure they will find a way. Another new member Wayne Taylor with his immaculate 81 De Ville, which he imported from USA himself, had it converted to RHD in Brisbane and is now experiencing the pleasures of owning and driving a Cadillac.
The cars of course created a lot of interest for the many people who were at Bobbin Head, including some Japanese tourists who were convinced by Sevi who sold them raffle tickets at $2.00 each, that they could win any one of the twelve Cadillacs there. When they asked if they could take them for a test drive, Sevi Gunal calmly assured them they could after their big win.
Sitting down to lunch and more Cadillac talk, in the distance we spotted two blue Cadillacs thundering down the road towards us - thinking it must be Grant and Jo Jones, we strolled over to greet them. Sure Grant was driving his beautiful 59 coupe, but wait a minute - who’s that driving the 70 convertible - it’s Candice, their daughter, with her friend Simon. How cool is that - she’s just turned 18 and cruising around confidently in Dad’s convertible. Mossy will love this!! Those who made the effort and had a wonderful day were: 1957 Fleetwood - Judy Ellis, Norm, family & friends 1958 Sedan - Gary & Lois Chivers 1958 Sedan De Ville - Dave & Craig Scrimgeour 1959 Coupe De Ville - Robert & Flavia Natoli & family 1959 Coupe - Grant Jones 1959 Coupe - Michael & Lorraine Morris & Joy 1964 Convertible - Paul & Karen Beale 1963 Coupe De Ville - Malcolm, Lyndal & Alexander Graham 1964 Sedan De Ville - George & Mama Fahd 1963 Eldorado Convertible - Ali & Sevi Gunal 1970 Convertible - Candice Jones & Simon 1981 De Ville - Wayne Taylor & Rob
Lorraine & Michael Morris